(207) 205 4102

100A LTD Initial Needs Assessment with Lead Team

Course Description

We will discuss if a Needs Assessment (NA) is warranted and understand why you want to conduct a NA. We will identify performance issues and people/leader development needs.

We start the Needs Assessment process by asking probing questions, discussing general operational challenges and then people/leader competence-related issues to gain insight of potential causes. We will then sort the issues into:

  1. Other – Operational or organizational issues
  2. Leader/employee competence-related issues

If after the initial needs assessment, it is determined that training and developing your employees is needed, we will conduct a quick “snapshot” training needs assessment to determine training needs and we can discuss a more in-depth training needs assessment process. We will also review other resources that may be helpful to your organization.

 Objective:  At the completion of this session, you will be able to:

  • Have a clearer idea of identifying and addressing performance and people/leader development issues in your organization and potential solutions.
  • State key concepts of the needs assessment and training needs analysis processes.
  • Develop next steps

Course Content:

  • Foundational concepts of Needs Assessment
  • Identifying and assessing your needs/issues
  • Deeper dive into Training Needs Analysis
  • Training and Development plans

Audience:            up to 10 attendees

Format:                Classroom, Instructor-led

Instructor:           Peter Brunette,  President,  People Skills Development

Length:                 2-3 hours

Contact:               Peter Brunette, (207) 205 4102, click to email

Cost:                    Free
NOTE: Financial support of up to a $1,200 match per frontline worker is available to Compact Members of the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce. As a member, you have streamlined access to The Center’s services, which includes the ability to utilize our company as a third-party partner and vendor. If you have any questions, you can contact Diane Crocket a coordinator.

Agenda:               Draft outline below                 

7:00 – 8:00 Arrive and set  up
8:00- 8:15 Welcome and Introductions, Kick off
8:15 – 10:45 Conduct Needs Assessment
10:45-11:00 Evaluations, next steps